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Thursday, December 16, 2010

How to enter recurring bills

If you have bills that come in monthly at the same amount and want to enter them in the bill pay system, you can memorize the bill. Let's say you have a monthly internet bill that comes in each month and is due on the 10th of the month for $45.00. You would go to the Vendors tab in Quickbooks and select "Enter Bills". Fill out the information on the bill then select "Memorize Bill." From there you can select to enter it monthly and how many months you want to keep entering the bill and on what day of the month. Because the default due date is 10 days you want to have it entered on the 1st so that you are able to have it due on the 10th of the month. Now when you run your Unpaid Bills report it will automatically appear on the listing each month. This can help save your data entry time.

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